Aluminium body with Stainless Steel disc (SS 316) Butterfly Valves with EPDM rubber liner.
General information
- Body : Aluminium Pressure Die Cast
- Disc : CF8M (SS 316)
- Stem : AISI 410 / AISI 304
- Shaft : AISI 410 / AISI 304
- Seat : EPDM
- Valve Rating : PN 10
- Body Pressure : 225 PSIG
- Seat Pressure : 165 PSIG
- Temperature : 140°c

Standard :
- Design and Manufacturing : API 609 Category A / BS 5155 / MSS SP – 67 / AWWA C504
- Valve Face to Face Dimensions : Short Wafer as per ISO 5752 Tab 5 API 609 Category A
- Top Flange Drilling : ISO 5211 II
- Inspection and Testing : API 598 / BS 6755 / FCI 70 – 2
- Flanged Standard Conformity : ANSI 150, DIN PN 6 / 16